Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I finally learned that HIV & AIDS are not the same and thats the purpose we attended this seminar in class today...Our beloved moral studies lecturer cordially invited some speakers from as far as poland,denmark and hong kong to come talk bout this topic and i can assure u that if u were in the seminar u would find that times passed reli quickly. They were very entertaining but it was us being the shy people and i was so embarassed during one demonstration where i was involved....yewwww... i hope one of my classmate would understand hw i feel right now :(
Anyways, we played alot of games and followed by some very useful information like how we contracted HIV in a manner that all of us are unaware and u will be shocked to realised that the whole class was :) but i dun quite like their speech when they present so i guessed there is some drawback from this seminar...lol .... the speakers educated us very detail like how to support HIV patient like being not discriminating ppl with these desease cause they will not passed this on.
After the seminar, we had 20 min break and after that we were suppose to be studying religion but Mr.Z was as usual having technical failure and he proceed to brief us on the assignment presentation due next thurs!! Jus 8 days to prepare and i had to delay the discussion for malaysian studies and replace with moral studies. But when i wan to inform 2 gals bout tis, they were missing and so my group partner said to ask dem tom and see how... But im thinking of proceeding without them cause i dun think its advisable to cancel jus bcause of them since we plan to bring our laptops right?